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Intentional Use of Technology In The Classroom

This is a presentation I put together in 2015 and presented at the first time at the D2L Brightspace Ignite Western Canada 2015 in Calgary, Alberta and by popular demand also presented it at the SAIT Polytechnic Showcase 2015 – which “sold out” in record time, and was presented to a standing room only crowd.

Too often, I talk to teachers who are trying to “shoe horn” technology into their classroom. Teachers will ask themselves “I have an iPad, how can I use it in the classroom?” instead of asking themselves “How can I use technology to better engage my learners, and make my job easier?”.  In this presentation I explore several free-to-use technology tools that I utilize in my classroom and how I deploy them.  I also provide live demonstrations of how each tool can be used.

This presentation is geared to both K-12 and higher education teachers and instructors who want to learn how to integrate new tools into their classroom that will increase student engagement.


I have also developed and delivered a version of this session that can be presented as a longer and more hands-on workshop. This workshop can be presented as a half-day or full-day workshop which engages participants in researching and brainstorming as individuals and in small groups on how they can use some of the techniques presented in their own classroom.

In this version I give a more in-depth demonstration of how each of the technology tools works, and how to setup each one. Participants will get the chance to brainstorm lesson ideas and classroom activities that they can use in their own classrooms that help them to better implement technology in your classroom.